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Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Contest Just for Military Writers

Many of you may already be familiar with Winning Writers newsletter. It is a long monthly newsletter with tons of resources and contests for writers. They are also very good to their subscribers. They mentioned the award the chapbook I coauthored with Magadalean Ball received recently. It is She Wore Emerald Then: Relections on Motherhood. just because I'm a subscriber. At any rate, this from their recent newsletter will be of special interest to you:

12/1: W.Y. Boyd Literary Award for Excellence in Military Fiction +++Highly recommended free contest offers $5,000 for the best published book of fiction set in a period when the United States was at war. Book must have been published in the calendar year prior to the award. For example, books published in 2009 are eligible for the 2010 award, which has a December 1, 2009 deadline. Sponsored by the American Library Association.

To subscribe to Winning Writers go to


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Thursday, November 12, 2009

It is Time for a New Military Motto

I just entered a new blog on my War Peace Tolerance blog. It begins:

Yesterday was Veteran's Day. My husband and I were driving to the Laemmle Theater in Pasadena to see Skin, a movie set in South Africa during apartheid about (what else?) tolerance. And on the back of a bus was a sign from the military. Seems they have a new motto. I'm doing it from memory but this was the approximage message...

I hope you'll go to to see what this new message is and that, if you agree, you'll pass the blog address to others you know in the military. You is time.

Submitted by MWSA blogger member, blogger, MWSA award-winner Carolyn Howard-Johnson and advocate for writers.


Richard Lowry's Blog