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Friday, November 26, 2010

Learn AMAZON Secrets FREE with FREE Newsletter Subscription

Authors love to hate Trouble is, we can't thrive without it. Sadly most authors and even publishers don't know how to effectively use the features Amazon offers -- especially the trick to achieving bestselling ratings.

Luckily, Aggie Villaneuva learned that stuff the hard way -- and she achieved two category bestsellers in 2010, each book in three separate categories! She freely shares that knowledge with us in her TWO white paper reports in ONE, "How Choosing Kindle Categories Wisely Got me Two Best Sellers This Year." Plus "How to Gain Bestseller Status in Amazon’s Print Bookstore Too."

Miraculously, (because Aggie is a peach!)  I'm offering her white papers at no charge to authors willing to help other authors learn even more about the writing and publishing world by subscribing to my Sharing with Writers newsletter. One report for the author who recommends my newsletter. Another for the author who signs up. It doesn't get any better than that! I know many MWSA subscribers and members already get my Sharing with Writers newsletter in their e-mail boxes. That's OK.  You may still want to share it with others. (-: 
To qualify for this double gift, put SUBSCRIBE-FREE "AMAZON Secrets" REPORT in the subject line of an e-mail and send it to In the window of the e-mail, list the e-mail address of the recommending author and the new subscriber. Both authors will get an e-copy of Aggie's report back in their e-mail boxes. Easy as that!

PS: You'll also find the section on using Amazon in my The Frugal Book Promoter useful. Amazon isn't perfect but they are trying to be author friendly. And, I have to say, they've never been late with a royalty payment. Authors can't always say that about their publishers, can they? (-:


Carolyn Howard-Johnson, is one of your official MWSA bloggers and author of This Is the Place; Harkening: A Collection of Stories Remembered; Tracings, a chapbook of poetry; and how to books for writers including, The Frugal Book Promoter: How To Do What Your Publisher Won't; The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success; and Great Little Last Minute Editing Tips for Writers . The Great First Impression Book Proposal is her newest booklet for writers. She has three FRUGAL books for retailers including A Retailer’s Guide to Frugal In-Store Promotions: How To Increase Profits and Spit in the Eyes of Economic Downturns with Thrifty Events and Sales Techniques. Some of her other blogs are, a blog where authors can recycle their favorite reviews. She also blogs at all things editing, grammar, formatting and more at The Frugal, Smart and Tuned-In Editor . If your followers at Twitter would benefit from this blog post, please use the little Green widget to let them know about this blog:
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Free E-Book Program from AuthorsDen

I thought I'd let you know about the new free e-book service offered at AuthorsDen. If you've been thinking about publishing your work as an e-book, now is the time to get started. (-: Learn more about it here:

Your MWSA Member Talk blogger,
Carolyn Howard-Johnson 

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Friday, November 12, 2010

MWSA 2010 People's Choice Award Vote

Hi everyone...we need to vote for the 2010 People's Choice Award...check out pages 18 through 25 in this year's Conference Program. At the end of each People's Choice Finalist piece, there's an email where you can vote for the winner. You have until December 31, 2010.

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