MWSA Members Inivted to Join Us as a Participating Author at the LA Times Festival of Books
Booth planner Chistine Alexanians invites you to participate in our next LA Times/UCLA Festival of Books booth--the last weekend of April 2009--and/or any of the value-added programs aligned with the fair. The book-signing portion of the fair requires that you attend, the others do not.
(To see the 2008 video made by Rey Ybarra, go to Best Selling Author Television site
Our group of authors will again be sponsoring a booth at the LA Times/UCLA Festival of Books on April 25, and 26, 2009. We focus on making a humdrum fair into a sizzling success and from past experience, we make changes every year based on what we learned the year before and the year before that.
One hour (50 minutes to allow set up) signing segments cost $150 for the first and $100 for the second day. The fee includes display in the booth for the full two days.
For cost, participation details and benefits of a cross-promotional booth like this, please go to www.sizzlingbookfairbooths.blogspot.com.
To participate send an e-mail to Christine Alexanians at chalexwrite @ yahoo.com. She can invoice you for PayPal or give you an address to send a check. Please put "LA Times Fair" in the subject line and please let her know the programs you would like to participate in so she will know how to bill you. She will then send you details for participation and answer other questions regarding this show. The booth promotion will be handled by Christine and Carolyn Howard-Johnson.
PS: You can see from the photo that your new MSSA president Joyce Faulkner is a big fan of this coop booth!
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