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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Help for Getting Manuscripts by the Gatekeepers

Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers: The Ultimate Frugal Booklet for Avoiding Word Trippers and Crafting Gatekeeper-Perfect Copy
By Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Published by
EAN-13: 9781450507653
Paperback booklet
55 pages

Reviewed by Robert Medlak for Amazon and asorted review sites

This pamphlet is only around fifty pages, but filled with an assemblage of word trippers written in a conversational style that will help writers from aspiring to seasoned with their copy.

The best way to appear amateurish as writers is to make simple word usage errors. There are homophone words that writers should know the difference, and which one of them to use in their copy. Some of the most common errors found in editing by author and editor, Carolyn Howard-Johnson lists in “Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers.”

This reviewer found this pamphlet to be inspirational and a brush up for any writer. Any time a writer submits copy not up to professional standards there is a gatekeeper who will bounce it. Reading this pamphlet can save writers the embarrassment of receiving a rejection slip for poor writing.

“Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers” is a postscript to Carolyn’s book, The Frugal Editor. No writer is a consummate writer in every sentence and word choice. Writers can only strive for perfection, but not consumed by it.

This reviewer found this small pamphlet chock full of useful information for all writers. Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers receives a five star rating by this reviewer.

The Reviewer

Robert (Bob) Medak is a writer/editor/reviewer. He reviews for AllBook Reviews and New York Journal of Books. He is acquisitions editor for Real Time PUblishing. Find him at Stormy Winter. He tweets at

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Peggy Noonan, Our Soldiers, and the Question of Gender in Writing

I thought our MWSA members would like to see member Phyllis Zimbler Miller's take on a recent writing (?) goof from the Wall Street Journal. It is pertinent to both our writing and our interest in the military. Go to:

Phyllis and I would love to have your comments. And I'd love to have you subscribe to that blog for occasional information on editing, grammar and related subjects.

BTW, Phyllis wrote Mrs. Lieutenant.
Submitted by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, your official MWSA Member Talk blogger. (-:

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Author Encourages Donation of Books

I thought I'd let you know about this nifty way for you to donate your returned or excess books, or just the many in that military library you've been collecting. The information was sent to me by the author of Quiet Fury books and I blogged about it today at All the resource links are there! See what you think and then put your thinking-bonnet on! How can MWSA help?

Your MWSA blogging captain,
Carolyn Howard-Johnson

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Home State of Utah, Our Soldiers and Art

Just thought my fellow MWSAers would want to see something that touched me on a far more personal level that anything that usually goes around on the Web about the military or our soldiers. You'll see why. Please leave comments so I'll know you saw it. (-:

This is the epitome of what I'm talking about when I say we can all do more than send sentimental posts around on the Web. Of course, MWSA members have been doing that, for sure. It's like preaching to the choir. (-:

Carolyn Howard-Johnson
Your fellow MWSA member and official blogger
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